Our Farm
In 2021, Chris & Jaime Teague purchased nearly 100 magnificent acres of farmland located on the outskirts of Hagerstown, MD. The newly named farm, Runaway Bull Farm, opened to the public a year later by offering farm tours and other marketing events. The original farmhouse, circa 1870, is still standing along with the smoke house and summer kitchen.
Visitors can tour our hands-on farm, meet the farm animals and participate in the everyday life of farming. We offer unique, custom experiences to enhance your visit. We have created a program where children can learn about farm life while experiencing a fun-filled day on the farm.
The farm is home to a wonderful herd of Irish Dexter Cattle. They are dual-purpose: they are great milkers and provide excellent beef. Irish Dexter’s need less space than full-sized cattle, are excellent mothers and produce lively calves. The cows we raise average 38 inches high at the hip, our bull is 44 inches at the hip. We raise pigs, chickens and goats, and practice holistic grazing of our land, as well as regenerative forest management with our animal herds.
Our regenerative agritourism approach highlights the paradigm shifts of connecting consumers with farms. Rather than competing with nature, we’re partnering with it. Rather than disturbing the soil, we’re protecting it. We're embracing crop diversity. Agritourism operations are in a unique and potentially impactful position to incorporate and showcase regenerative agricultural practices. We invite you to engage in the principles of regenerative agriculture and discuss how they are shaping a future of regenerative tourism and hospitality. Learn about the important role how these operations play in educating society about the value of farming, food and (bio)diverse communities.
​Our mission is to provide a safe, engaging, open space for kids and adults to enjoy the outdoors!
Reading Material:
Warehouse development on farmland does more harm than good | Opinion